Paula Collins – Blood Clot Experience
Just a little email to share my story of clots. In April 2013 (age 33).
I first experienced sharp stabbing pain in my chest and went to see my consultant as I was under investigation for an arrhythmia, and I thought it was related to that. He sent me for blood tests and then for a CTPA where it showed up, multiple small clots in my lung. I was prescribed Xarelto for just 6 months. They put this down to me being on the contraceptive pill at the time.
Then in February 2022 (age 42) I felt a pain in the back of my calf, as it wasn’t improving I went to my GP and said I suspect a clot, they sent me to A&E and I had bloods done which revealed a very high D-dimer result, so I was sent for a scan on the calf, which they don’t actually scan the calf, just from the groin down to the back of the knee looking at the main veins. This revealed no clot. After 4 days in hospital and protesting that I was going home, they did a vascular scan on my calf, and it revealed the DVT. I was put on Eliquis for 6 months with a follow up appointment in Haematology.
Blood tests specific for APS (Antiphospholipid Syndrome), came back negative and I had previous thrombophilia screening done which was also negative.
Doctors couldn’t figure out why I had 2 unprovoked episodes.
I attended a rheumatologist in April 2024 and she has said I’m very suggestive of having APS due to clinical symptoms and a positive ANA tetre blood test.
So it’s recommended I take anticoagulants for life.
Paula x
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