My name is Jacinta, I was diagnosed with Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis in May 2021 after suffering for about a month with headaches, and neck and face pain which progressed to blinding headaches, vomiting and not being able to stand up and a number of trips to my GP.
On the 27th of May, I eventually rang an ambulance, I could barely see the phone to make the call. I was taken to the nearest A and E, where after two CT scans, I was told I had a CVST – a rare blood clot that forms in a vein in the brain, I was 37 and had never heard of this. I was taking the combined oral contraceptive pill and I was told that this was a risk factor. I spent two weeks in the stroke ward. Nearly two years on I am still on anti-coagulation treatment and am due to undergo some specialist investigations for a possible Dural Arteriovenous Fistula, which is a complication of a CVST.
Annmarie and Thrombosis Ireland have been such a great support and source of information to me through a very tough journey.
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