Back in 2011 I noticed a soreness in my right calf. I didn’t really take notice of it till around a week later it got very sore. Going into work one night, I felt very unwell, and the soreness got extremely uncomfortable. I left work and went home and during that night the pain and discomfort was excruciating. I booked an appointment with my GP and was lucky to get an appointment with him that morning. He took one look at my calf and quickly diagnosed a blood clot.
I was sent into hospital, where they confirmed a had a DVT in my right calf. I was treated with anticoagulant medication. The DVT was diagnosed as unprovoked as I had no obvious risk factors. I had not been in hospital in the last 90 days, I hadn’t travelled on long flights/I’m non-smoker, I don’t have cancer or suffered any injuries. I don’t know why this happened to me. I stayed on the medication for 6 months and was told I was low risk for getting another DVT.
Unfortunately, in November 2023, I noticed a soreness in my left calf and a few days later it started to get worse. I slowly realized it was another DVT, as the symptoms were the same as the first one. I was rushed to hospital and was diagnosed with a second DVT. I was told I would be taking a blood thinner for life, as the clots were unprovoked. I am currently going back and forth for hospital appointments for blood tests to try and get to the root cause of my clotting.
It has resulted in lifestyle changes. I need to carry an alert card because of the blood thinner and avoiding injury is vital. Contact sports is out of the question, but I love being active and do take long walks, which is also important for mental health. I worry because I don’t know how I got these clots and will I get them again.
I have reached out to Thrombosis Ireland and attended some of their information events, which I found very helpful. If it happens to you, don’t be alone. There is support out there.
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