Study Title: Establishing an International Core Outcome Set for Clinical Trials of Interventions for Venous Thromboembolism in Adults (VTE-COS)
The purpose of this study is to identify outcomes that are meaningful for VTE (blood clot) treatments. The research team will talk to patients or caregivers with lived experience, health professionals, policy makers, researchers and other key stakeholders to ask what is important to them.
Creating “core outcome sets” is a popular way to bring together many opinions and experiences. These sets are an agreed upon collection of outcomes that should be measured and reported in all future research on a condition.
This is an international study that is being led in Ireland by Dr Maeve Crowley, Consultant Haematologist in Cork University Hospital and Mercy University Hospital, Cork.
If you are a patient who has experienced a blood clot or the caregiver for such a patient and are interested in participating or would like to find out more about the study, please contact Dr Maeve Crowley on 0214922545
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