Covid-19 and Vaccines

St James Hospital Update – March 2022

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Important Update – April 2021

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Statement from the ISTH on Reports Indicating Blood Clots Associated With the AstraZeneca Vaccine – International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Inc. 9th April 2021

“The overall benefits of the vaccine in preventing COVID-19 outweigh the risks” “Patients with a prior history of blood clots or with a history of thrombophilia should continue to be vaccinated”

Click ISTH logo below to go to website for more information

People with Covid-19 are more likely to develop blood clots during or for 90 days after discharge from hospital.

It is very important that patients taking anticoagulation medication should ensure they continue to take their medication if they get Covid-19.

A history of blood clots or being on anticoagulation medication does not put you at higher risk of getting Covid-19.

Update for Patients of the NCC on Anticoagulation Therapy (click to read)

Administration of the IM COVID 19 Vaccine to People on Anticoagulation Therapy (click to read)

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