About Thrombosis Ireland

Thrombosis Ireland is a Not for Profit Company Limited by Guarantee. We are a full volunteer organization and we submit annual accounts to the Charity Regulator. Thrombosis Ireland was set up in 2016 by thrombosis patients Ann Marie O’Neill & Shay Kearney. They were seeking to address the lack of information, education, and support for thrombosis patients, and their families in Ireland.

Our Vision

To promote awareness of thrombosis among patients, medical staff and the general public nationwide.

To provide support and advocacy for patients on anticoagulation therapy and their families.

To save lives in particular from hospital-acquired VTE through awareness and the introduction and implementation of a compulsory VTE assessment on admission to hospital.

Our Mission

To Promote awareness, provide support and to save lives

Who are we? Our Team

Meet some of the volunteer team who help deliver the vision and mission.

Our Transparency

Our annual accounts, so you can see where your money goes.

Our Policies

Policies and procedures for managing operational issues.

Get Involved… Save A Life